How Delta-9 Helped Me Change My Relationship with Alcohol
I "accidentally" stopped drinking this year. Well, sort of. Let me explain.
I have a long and complicated history with alcohol—39 years, to be exact. Outside of my three pregnancies, I drank regularly. To be honest, I overdrank. It's hard to admit, and even as I write this, I have tears in my eyes because of the shame I feel.
My relationship with alcohol began my senior year in high school when I was 17. Like so many others, I had a traumatic childhood, and a series of other traumatic events and disappointments during my senior year made life unbearable.
I'm GenX, and if you are familiar with this generation, you know that drinking culture was a big thing, and I leaned into it heavily. The goal was clear—get as drunk as possible, as fast as possible—and I was good at it.
Drinking allowed me to show up and participate in life when all I wanted to do was stay in bed and hide. I guess you can say it allowed me to "hide" in the open. I continued this pattern throughout college and throughout my 20s and early 30s.
What I didn't know or understand was that I was using alcohol as a buffer, a way to self-medicate so I could get a reprieve from my intense emotions. I started as a binge drinker and reinforced that behavior for years. I also didn't realize that when you continually drink like that, your brain becomes accustomed to it and loves it. And since the brain isn't fond of change, breaking that pattern is challenging.
I always thought that since I didn't drink while pregnant, it would be easy to break that pattern. But it always seeped back in. I would need to blow off steam or just "shut my brain down," and the cycle would begin again.
My husband and I would hang out every evening, cooking dinner, and most nights, we'd have a couple of glasses of wine or a beer or two. But inevitably, once or twice a week, I would drink too much, and my hangovers would be horrible. Despite that, I was still able to function—take care of my children and my mother, who lived with us because she was disabled from multiple sclerosis—but I wasn't showing up fully. I wasn't showing up in the way my family deserved.
Over the years, I tried to reign this in. I just wanted to be a "normal" drinker. I set up rules for myself—I'll only drink on weekends, I'll only have one, I'll stop drinking for 30 days. The constant brain chatter around my drinking was exhausting—and it didn't work.
As I've gotten older, my hangovers have become more painful, and pain is a motivator! My drinking slowed down, but it would still get away from me from time to time, and it takes way less to feel so much more pain now.
Still, I couldn't imagine my life without alcohol. I didn't identify as an alcoholic; I just wanted to drink like a normal person. And if I'm being honest, I liked the buzz but had a hard time keeping it at the "buzz" level. I hated that.
When Delta-9 gummies hit the market, they seemed like a great alternative. But I was hesitant. Delta-9 is THC, and as a teen of the 80s, I am a product of Nancy Reagan's Just Say No campaign. The image of eggs frying in a pan as the representation of my brain on drugs forged an indelible impression in my mind. I bought into it, hook, line, and sinker.
I always stayed away from drugs, knowing I had my hands full with alcohol and fearing I would never recover if I started using them.
But, I became more comfortable with hemp-derived Delta-9 THC. Hemp plants are bred to contain lower levels of THC, and hemp-derived products are federally legal as long as it is 0.3% or less of Delta-9-THC by dry weight. This low concentration means these products don't produce the same psychoactive effects as marijuana. They're not as strong, especially compared to today's marijuana, which is bred to be strong.
We launched our Thryv Organics Delta-9 Gummies early last year. And because I sourced them myself and trusted my manufacturing partner, I tried them. I used them at night instead of reaching for an IPA, and I really liked them. They gave me a pleasant euphoria and helped me sleep.
But something was missing—the ritual. I enjoyed the ritual of drinking: taking the perfect tulip glass out of the cabinet, popping the top of the can, pouring the beer, and smelling the hoppy aroma as it landed in the glass. Everything about it signaled it was time to relax and unplug. I missed that. So, I continued to drink and inevitably overdrink, only to suffer horrendously the next day.
Now that I'm in my mid-50s, things have changed entirely. Even two drinks can leave me feeling foggy and crappy the next day. If I have three, the whole next day is lost.
Then, Delta-9 infused beverages hit the market and they have been a game changer. Last December, we started carrying a hemp-derived Delta-9 infused seltzer at our craft beer bar, Lakewood Growler, in Dallas, Tx. I know; the irony is not lost on me—we own a bar.
The infused seltzer became wildly popular with our customers, and I loved it, too! I could drink it and feel a buzz but not feel "drunk," and I didn't have a hangover the next day. How could this be? It made me feel the way I wanted alcohol to make me feel—slightly euphoric, fun, and no pain the next day.
In the ever-evolving hemp space, a new product, Delta-9 beverage enhancers, hit the market. I knew I would benefit from this product and that anyone who struggled with alcohol like me could also benefit. So, I worked with my manufacturing partner to develop our own, and we launched Thryv Organics Chill Drops in March.
I love the convenience of Chill Drops. They can be added to any beverage, and you can control how much you use. Each full dropper contains 3mg of hemp-derived Delta-9 THC. It is a nano-emulsified water-soluble product, which means it has a quick and very high absorption rate, so a little goes a long way. You feel the effect in about 5 to 10 minutes, and it resembles the feeling you get after one drink. You can take them anywhere. I take them to restaurants and add them to Topo Chico or a mocktail, and I'm set.
In seven months, I've been able to change my relationship with alcohol. The brain chatter is 100% gone. I never think about drinking anymore. No more negotiating or feeling guilty. It's simply not a thing anymore. I have finally become a normal drinker. I can have one and stop easily. I no longer have that "trigger" to keep drinking to the point where it's no longer my choice.
My journey of redefining my relationship with alcohol has been both enlightening and liberating. Delta-9 infused beverages and our Chill Drops have been crucial in helping me achieve this balance.
The transition didn't feel forced or difficult; it evolved naturally, almost without me noticing. I just lost my desire to drink alcohol.
My hope is that by sharing my journey, I can offer hope to anyone struggling the way I was. So, if you're curious about Delta-9 products or want guidance in your journey towards moderation, I'm here to help.
We offer complimentary consultations to help you explore how these alternatives can work for you. If you're in Dallas, you can stop by our retail location Dry Sips Bottle Shop, and check out our wide selection of Delta-9 infused beverages and of course, we stock our Delta-9 Chill Drops and gummies as well.
Remember, it is possible to transform your relationship with alcohol and discover a happier, healthier you. I'm living proof!
Thank you so much for being vulnerable and sharing your experience! So many of us are dealing with a similar journey with alcohol and wanting to redefine it. Thank you thank you! This article helps so much and can’t wait to try this product!
So relatable. Thanks for sharing.
Amazing post, Stacie!! Your journey resonates with me strongly and it’s beautiful to see the intentionality behind your decisions. We are so grateful for Dry Sips and Thryv products!!